Friday, October 17, 2014


When the night gets silent
and the moon speaks louder then the birds through it's illuminating ray
and the sky shines with a thousand lights
and the rivers and lakes tempt to drown

And you look up at starry, vast, never-ending night sky
and you look up and you sigh

Oh how you wish this tranquility remains
untouched by man
undiminished by time
yet you realise
words are just words

And there are times where nothing just can be done
and there are times when doubt reigns
dark times where raindrops fall mercilessly
and teardrops are hidden

And then you think
These are times of war!
and then you realise
of death's call

However appalling the matter is
there are always souls who do not care
and those souls lie beside us
with us, within us

Applaud to the citizens of the world
for their never-ending contribution
to destroy this humble abode of ours

'Tis when all these are done and over with,
then and only then will all see
that the sky is just dark
for no light may decor a broken world

Saturday, June 28, 2014


It's unfair
how... the more that person is valued, the faster they leave
and how...
regardless of the constant reminder our heart gets,
they never fail to fall over and over again

stumble and fall
I know dark
rain is now accustomed to my existence
cold smiles, greets me yet again
warmth sees me walking away

I am back
I am here
I will stay
No. you're still running

I left, yes
I am back now.

your shadow is here
but your heart is high up in the sky
you are not here
you left a long time ago

I am not blaming anyone
I know better
the fault lies not in our stars

you are still running.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Zach Sobiech; A Tribute

"You don't need to know that you're dying to start living"

None had ever seemed happier
Nor more full of life
Nor more robust
Nor blessed
Than you

I guess we can never know the value of something unless it's gone

And for you, who have lost so much
And, at that time, were prepared to lose so much more
Was more willing than anyone to enjoy whatever time you have left

It may had started with a small intention
To leave a parting gift for your loved ones,
But oh how that small act turned out to be something big
Bigger, to the extend of saving other lives

How you would smile, up there in the clouds
If only you knew
And i am willing to bet that you do

I may not know you
I may have only heard of you a year after your passing
Your incredible journey may have only touched my heart now
But do know

Zach, you are an incredible human being
In life, during death, and now, even after you're gone
Your magic still touches people
Your extended hand is still reached towards
Your enormous presence can still be felt

Indeed, our hands don't fade away from the lives we've touched

And yours is still here, lingering, waiting, for those who need help
A beacon of hope
A smilling cloud

Cancer is a tough enemy
It's invincible, in a way
It was so unfair for you
Albeit all that, Zach, i guess we have to thank you for being alive

"I didn't want to lose to cancer. I want people to know, that I died fighting. That I didn't really lose. That I won, in some way" -Zach Sobiech

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Its funny
Its hilarious
Its ironic

How people crave for respect, to the brink of forcing it out of someone.

But then, it loses all its value


This is a delicate matter

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How I wish I have someone
to cry on
to tease
to smile at
to know...
that regardless of the never-ending storm
the sun's warmth would never leave me alone

but oh how
life would be
if I just had
that one person with me

Fret not.

Our love story is already written in the stars

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Give Up

You can't give up before trying!

So are you saying that I can, under the condition that I tried?

You still can't. Giving up is for those with no hope. After that, all you can do is move on. But not once must you ever give up on life.

How ironic.
I can't give up before or after trying.
But if I tried and failed, I've got to move on. Isn't moving on a part of giving up?

No! Its.... different. Somehow...
It's just different. Don't ask too many questions!

I see. You can't even bother wasting 2 minutes to explain, huh? And yet you want me to not give up?

It's the right thing!

And who are you to segregate right and wrong?

Enough already! You've learnt to distinguish right and wrong since you were a child!

That's exactly the problem. We were taught to distinguish, not decide whether it was right or wrong.  We were taught what to think, not how to think.
The whole concept is wrong, don't you think so?

Enough!  I've had enough, talking to such an absurd child! 

Ironic indeed

Saturday, March 8, 2014


The solemn sky had turned pitch o' black
The blue sea is acursed
Rain drops now dance lightly on the earth
Mother Nature is crying with her might

It would be like tearing up one's own heart
To just try and imagine
The horror. The anguish.
'Tis the tragedy of deepest sorrow
'Tis the tragedy of greatest mystery

All shrouded well
Darkness overcame light

No one knows what happened
None to tell the story guarded by heaven
And so, now we pray

If it's broken, show us the remnants
If it's scarred, show us the wounds
If it's beneath, let us see
If it's safe, let us know

Prithee, God
If it's there, tell us where

Thursday, January 16, 2014


I'd be lying to actually say that I don't miss 'em. That world of glistening lights, bouquets, praises, standing ovations, and empowering music. It was indeed a fantasy dream you never want to wake up from. And yet I did. It was tough, it hurt, it hurts still. Countless times had I planned my return, my revival, and yet.... I always manage to stop myself. 

Sometimes, when you're up there so high, you can't seem to notice the cobwebs tangling you,, trapping you in an endless nightmare. And what's worse? The nightmare is you yourself. Birds are meant to fly as masters of the sky, and we mere mortals are meant to dwell on the barren earth... coz when you're flying as a master of the sky, or acting like one, you tend to forget all these precious gems you left in your absence.

That stage may be the place I'm most at ease. 

But it drags you away from Him. Before you realise it, you stop reciting prayers. Before you realise it, you stop reading His love letters, you stop pondering over His mighty words. You stop everything all together, just to make it in time to step under that spotlight. You might as well just stop breathing for all it's worth. 

It was fun, and I had my share. I just hope that the next time I step into that world again, it would be for Him and Him alone.