Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Give Up

You can't give up before trying!

So are you saying that I can, under the condition that I tried?

You still can't. Giving up is for those with no hope. After that, all you can do is move on. But not once must you ever give up on life.

How ironic.
I can't give up before or after trying.
But if I tried and failed, I've got to move on. Isn't moving on a part of giving up?

No! Its.... different. Somehow...
It's just different. Don't ask too many questions!

I see. You can't even bother wasting 2 minutes to explain, huh? And yet you want me to not give up?

It's the right thing!

And who are you to segregate right and wrong?

Enough already! You've learnt to distinguish right and wrong since you were a child!

That's exactly the problem. We were taught to distinguish, not decide whether it was right or wrong.  We were taught what to think, not how to think.
The whole concept is wrong, don't you think so?

Enough!  I've had enough, talking to such an absurd child! 

Ironic indeed

Saturday, March 8, 2014


The solemn sky had turned pitch o' black
The blue sea is acursed
Rain drops now dance lightly on the earth
Mother Nature is crying with her might

It would be like tearing up one's own heart
To just try and imagine
The horror. The anguish.
'Tis the tragedy of deepest sorrow
'Tis the tragedy of greatest mystery

All shrouded well
Darkness overcame light

No one knows what happened
None to tell the story guarded by heaven
And so, now we pray

If it's broken, show us the remnants
If it's scarred, show us the wounds
If it's beneath, let us see
If it's safe, let us know

Prithee, God
If it's there, tell us where