Thursday, March 28, 2013


Thinking back, I wished time would just stop. I wished I had the power to just stop the flow of time as easily as yanking the batteries out of the clock. I wished.... everything would just be on hold. 

But as tempting as it sounds, it just ain't possible. Life goes on. The world goes round. Now, even as i am writing this down, the sands of time falls down without end. I wished I had more time. I wish so every time. Regardless of how hard I do though, it never comes true.

" think positively. Even when you're facing a tough challenge up ahead, continue believing. Because everyone can just motivate, or do so much, but in the end, it's all you. Insha allah, you'll succeed if you can just change all the negativity in the world into something positive that works to your advantage"      

- Mama   

She was always a lot stronger than me. She was always my anchor. My mentor, my idol, my everything. It is quite strange, not having her around, with her wild dramas and all. I love her, with all my heart and soul. Nothing in the world can change this. I doubt I can love anyone else as much as I love her and dad. 

Love. It makes everything wrong and right in the state of total equilibrium. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Echo of no return

Memory upon memory flooded my mind, blurring my eyes with the pools of pain.

My brother said something along these lines "Lucky you! You're not in boarding when you were in Form 1! You joined as a senior. You don't know how we juniors feel!"

Those words stopped me in my tracks, reminding me of the old days I had hoped to forget. Moments later, I find myself inside my car, staring out into the pelting rain. 
When did I get here? Whatever happened? 
Everyone was laughing at my dad's joke, playing around, goofing.
Suddenly everything seemed to be at slow motion, with me being the only awake character. The confusion increased as I was dragged down a tunnel of time, with every single memory crashing onto me like wave onto beach. I, helpless as a rat stuck in a trap, was being engulfed by the enormity of the hurl, drowned in a sea of emotions.
Everything went pitch black.

Waking up, I found myself stranded on a foreign yet strangely familiar field.
Rubbing my sore temples, I rose, only to find myself staring onto an empty piece of land. Regardless of the the fact that I do not have a single clue as in to why am I here, my heart did not feel absent. I was not in the least scared. It felt as if my heart knew all these things my mind doesn't. Strange as it sounds, I have to admit. At that particular point, I felt like I was.... home.

During the absence of sound, my ears were trained to pick up even the slightest hustle. Though thinking back, this was no 'slight hustle'. In this land of nothing ness, this was like a horn blaring from a near distance.

"Melayu tak mengaku melayu!", shouted the lady. 
Realising that the sound seemed to be coming from behind, my head instinctively spun around, feasting my eyes upon the sight of a 13 year old young girl, being scolded by her teacher. Her eyes, brimming slightly, shone with the fire of hate. Her small, petite lips trembled, as if begging for its right to defend its mistress. Her hands, decorated with small little calluses, gripped the pen ever so tightly. Her head fell back, revealing a grim, strong, brave, egoistic, determined expression. Apart from it all, what startled me most was the emptiness in her soul, so strong that it shone from within. Her demeanor, though silent as the hills, was overwhelming. The sadness in her heart reflected as clearly as a pond would the moon, despite her stone graved face. I touched my cheeks, surprised to find it wet. Without realisation, my heart had cried for her. My heart had cried for me. That first memory, a kick-start of my high school years. She was me. She was the memory that kept me on edge forever. She was the memory that caused all these trust issues, all these paranoias. She was me.

The whole class, despite their obvious disagreement, stood aside, poker-faced, unable to do or say anything. I walked into the class unnoticed. A sudden chill ran down my spine as I realised that I 'm just like a ghost, walking into a crowded hall as slithe as a snake. Staring onto her book, clean as any, I saw the upper left corner of the page tainted by a circle of dark, red ink. Realising that it was the root of the commotion, I bent in for a better view of the horrifying 'mistake'. 

As soon as the sight of it feasted my eyes, I fell back, stunned. I let loose a mad laugh, for I could not believe what I just witnessed. 
A whole entire class, lectured for an hour. A little girl around half the teacher's age, punished so severely, was called names, given a harsh public humiliation. All for the sake of a SPELLING ERROR?! Just because she spelled 'May' (as in the month, May) wrongly? Just because she spelled it in a language different than the one you're teaching? Just cause she spelled it in English?

Funny how they regard themselves so highly. Funny how they can call themselves 'educators' when the one they should trully 'educate' is their own self.

Don't get me wrong. I love the profession. Heck, coming from a long line of true educators, how can I not? But I often wonder, why me? Why do I always get picked on by the very people trained to protect me from harm? What did I do wrong? I recalled you being proud of my achievements. I recalled you saying these exact words, "Oh, she's my best writer". I recalled getting highest for your subject, almost all the time. I recalled representating, and winning, my class for that subject you taught. I recalled you using me for countless jobs, countless times. So again, pray tell me, why? Why? Why? 

Unfortunately, asked a million times, that single question would still leave a resonating echo with no reply. 

So, brother, let me tell you this. 
I have had my share.
I have endured all there is to endure.
I have gone through the worst of the worse.
I have been dumped to hell and back.
I have been hammered down by those who vowed to stand by me.
I have been cheated, lied to, betrayed.
I have lost all that was dear.
I have lost all that was mine.
So, honestly, is it too much to ask
For a serene, peaceful senior high?

Though you'd be good to remember,
That behind all these ,
Truth is,
This was only the beginning.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Ingat senang ke nak berubah macam tu je? It takes time, patience, tau. Don't say anything if you do not know anything. Actually, even if you do know, that still does not give you the right to say anything. I know, I'm trying my very best. Trust me, i am. Ask all those who knew me before, they'd all tell you! 
Heck, siapa je yang perfect in this bloody world? NO ONE. Unfortunately baby, that includes you. So, can you please, don't free free judge someone for their outward appearance? Whoever gave you the right to anyway?

We're all His servants. We're all equal. Tolong jangan angkat diri sendiri tu tinggi sangat boleh tak? Please, use your brain. Use your heart. Think. Feel. Don't just say something just like that. Thing was, I never asked you to be there in the first place. So when you made that decision, you should know what you're gonna face.

Yes, you are right. But niat tak menghalalkan cara. Just because you think you're already high up and perfect, that does not give you the right to control someone else's life. And cut the oh-i-feel-compelled crap. No you're not. And please just stop it with the feigned innocence and oh-i'm-just-saying-but-it's-all-up-to-you thing. Coz you never gave me a choice. You threatened EVERYONE for the sake of one. Your actions were wrong! No matter how 'noble' your intentions might be.

I never disturbed you. So lay off! Tolonglah. Daripada asal nak buat pahala terus dapat dosa lagi banyak. Yang tu tak sedar pula kan? I know, who am I to preach about what's wrong and what's right. But you might as well just realise that you're equally a nobody in stating whether or not that someone will get 'keberkatan' from Allah. The power to 'menentukan' was never yours nor anyone's to start with. 
Beristighfarlah banyak-banyak.

   " Ya Allah, I beg to you. Please, guide me so that i shall never stray from your path. But at the same time, I beg of you, give me the strength I need to survive your tests. Aminnnn"

Saturday, March 9, 2013


There's no use reminiscing the past. You just have to take whatever you have now, and start with whatever you have now. Of course, its always easier to start early. But then what if you've already started early? What if you had all that and you just threw it all away for reasons that you keep to yourself? Reasons not worth mentioning. Reasons not worth bringing up. Reasons not even worth explaining. What then?

They say, if you don't sacrifice something big, the prize's not going to be a luxurious one either. But it's hard, it's just so hard. It hurts so bad. You can't stop thinking, "what if?". As a human, you can't stop reminiscing. Its impossible. It seriously ain't easy. Yet again, if i learnt anything, it was to find your own paradise, within yourself. And one single advice. Get closer to Allah, only He can help you, in the toughest of times. Tough times don't last, tough people do.

You will learn soon enough, in the end.

" so verily, with every difficulty, there is relief. Verily, with every difficulty there is relief "

al-Insyirah ,  94:5, 94:6

Friday, March 8, 2013


Kadang kala kita terasa
hidup ini sungguh sempurna

Tidak sedarkah kita
akan senja yang menunggu di balik sana

Apakah kita 
terlalu sempurna
untuk tidak dimamah usia
untuk tidak merasa pahitnya
untuk tidak merasa sakitnya
erti sebuah penantian
erti kehinaan
erti kehancuran
erti pendustaan

Hebat sangatkah kita
yang hanya bergelar manusia
untuk menerima tanpa memberi
untuk tidak berada di sisi
untuk tidak menepati janji
untuk tidak berdoa lagi

Sudah lupakah kita
akan angkara siapa
kita masih bernyawa
kita masih berupaya
kita masih mampu merasa
nikmatnya hidup di alam fata morgana

Atau apakah sebenarnya
kita memang sudah lupa
tatkala kita berada di puncak dunia
mendongak ke cakerawala
sehinggakan kita sanggup 
memijak, menghina, dan mencerca
hamba-hamba Nya
di bawah sana

Renungkan sebentar
Jika hari ini kita berkuasa
Jika hari ini kita benar menaiki takhta
Jika hari ini kita menang semua bicara
Jika hari ini kita miliki segala

Tidak mungkinkah esok bakal kita 
hilang semuanya
begitu sahaja

Dunia ini ibarat roda
giat berputar di atas paksinya
menurut arahan yang Maha Esa

Kiranya ini nafas terakhir kita
Kiranya hari ini berakhirnya hidup kita di dunia
Kiranya hari ini kita celik tanpa nyawa
Kiranya hari ini hari penentu segala

Apakah kita sudah cukup hisabnya?
Apakah kita sudah puas di dunia?
Apakah kita sudah memohon kemaafan dari mereka yang dihina?
Apakah kita pasti
mereka yang selama ini
Kita pulau, kita buli
Masih bernafas untuk memaafkan kita?

Apakah sebabnya
kita terlampau selesa?

Apa sudah pastikah kita
akan sebuah rumah di firdaus Nya?

Atau apakah kita kan bersama
syaitan durjana dan penghuni neraka?

wahai pelakon-pelakon di pentas dunia
hidup ini hanya sementara
pinjaman semata
memaafi dan pintalah kemaafan
Menerima dan janganlah hadkan pemberian

Kita hanya insan biasa
Berpijak di atas bumi yang sama


To have friends that do not care whether or not they are going to suffer from this friendship is just the best treasure you can ever have. If you have this kind of friendship, treasure it with your life. Because you're lucky enough to have it. My dad once said, "Allah is Great. Allah is Just. Allah would not give all the happiness in the world to one person and give all the sorrows in the universe to another. Friendships like this comes only once in a lifetime. You either get a better one after that, (if Allah wills it) or you just don't get any that can beat the first one. Treasure each and every moment of every friendship you own. Some are not as lucky as you are". 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Roller Coaster

Life is a roller coaster ride. its bumpy, exhilarating, and it leaves you gasping for air. You scream out your frustrations/anger/fears but at the end of the ride, you're bound to find yourself rejuvenated. 

But the most important thing of a roller coaster ride is to enjoy yourself while you're on it!

Author's note

My friend once told me, "You should start a blog"

Here I am now.

A picture is worth a thousand words
but what happens when you write a thousand words without a picture?

I can't take lovely, breathtaking shots.
I can't write to inspire.
I can't paint to awe others.
I don't sing like a nightingale.
I don't play for eavesdroppers.
I am but a lowly slave of Him, a vessel of no host.
I can't even say much about myself.
This is just a rough sketch, or call it whatever you may, of a bigger 'something'
and I don't even know what that something is.
From the heart, to the fingers, to the keyboard, and thanks to the whole physics concept, the world wide web. so..... yeah.

Thank you, in advance, for everything that's bound to happen that's worth thanking.

In all honesty, and till death do us apart,
Natasha Ariza

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Grandfather's Death Wish

"be the first, always. so when they ask, 'who is this girl?' 'Oh, she's the granddaughter of that old man on the hill'. *lights up cigarette. stay safe, and go up. don't look back, not even once"

those words ring in my ears, even to this day.

but pray tell me, what's the use?
you're not here! you're not here to see! you're not here with me!

i've gotten first so many times i lost count, but why? why aren't you here? why did you leave me? why??!!!

you may be up there, watching over, smiling to yourself. but i can't see you. i can't feel you. i can't hug you. i can't. do. anything. your smile, your warmth, you. yourself. that matters more than a thousand medals, a million certs.

7. what the heck could i have done at such an age? i know that Allah loves you more. but hey, i love you too! we all do! i still think of you! even to this very freaking day! so why? 

god give me the strength. to uphold your legacy. to withstand the pressure. to just keep going strong. for your sake. my wish. every single day.

i thought growing up would make me stronger. that's what they say. that's the 'normality' and what the 'statistics' and the 'polls' and the 'charts' say. 

so explain. why do tears still run down my cheeks? why do i still tremble? why do i still think of you? day and night. why? 

let me tell you why. YOU. MATTERED. TOO. MUCH. i miss you. but there's nothing. i. can. do. about. it. Coz you're gone. and you're not coming back. Ever.
Bound as we are to the ancient curse
One boy secured his destiny
For he was said to be the first
To break the code of eternity
Legend has it that under The Nile
Civilisation old lies fast asleep
For they were said to have steeds that fly
Far beneath the river deep

Far away, long ago
Glowing dimness an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember

You're the missing puzzle i couldn't find
One that i just can't bear to lose
How could i have been so blind
You were the answer, the riddle, the clue
Look at how time passes
fast as the wind
Weird, you're still the saddest
memory that had ever been
From a little girl i've grown
but you weren't there to see
The seeds of sadness you've sown
and so continues, this misery

my inspirations

Yesterday, today , tomorrow. Three different days, three different lives, three different tastes. but in the end they're one and the same