Saturday, March 23, 2013


Ingat senang ke nak berubah macam tu je? It takes time, patience, tau. Don't say anything if you do not know anything. Actually, even if you do know, that still does not give you the right to say anything. I know, I'm trying my very best. Trust me, i am. Ask all those who knew me before, they'd all tell you! 
Heck, siapa je yang perfect in this bloody world? NO ONE. Unfortunately baby, that includes you. So, can you please, don't free free judge someone for their outward appearance? Whoever gave you the right to anyway?

We're all His servants. We're all equal. Tolong jangan angkat diri sendiri tu tinggi sangat boleh tak? Please, use your brain. Use your heart. Think. Feel. Don't just say something just like that. Thing was, I never asked you to be there in the first place. So when you made that decision, you should know what you're gonna face.

Yes, you are right. But niat tak menghalalkan cara. Just because you think you're already high up and perfect, that does not give you the right to control someone else's life. And cut the oh-i-feel-compelled crap. No you're not. And please just stop it with the feigned innocence and oh-i'm-just-saying-but-it's-all-up-to-you thing. Coz you never gave me a choice. You threatened EVERYONE for the sake of one. Your actions were wrong! No matter how 'noble' your intentions might be.

I never disturbed you. So lay off! Tolonglah. Daripada asal nak buat pahala terus dapat dosa lagi banyak. Yang tu tak sedar pula kan? I know, who am I to preach about what's wrong and what's right. But you might as well just realise that you're equally a nobody in stating whether or not that someone will get 'keberkatan' from Allah. The power to 'menentukan' was never yours nor anyone's to start with. 
Beristighfarlah banyak-banyak.

   " Ya Allah, I beg to you. Please, guide me so that i shall never stray from your path. But at the same time, I beg of you, give me the strength I need to survive your tests. Aminnnn"

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